
npm i svelte-popover --save-dev


The basic example

      <button slot=target>Click</button>
      <div slot=content>

See more examples

You can also use nested popovers
      <button slot=target>Click</button>
      <div slot=content>
          <button slot=target></button>
          <div slot=content>
Use let:open directive. For example
    <Popover let:open={isOpen}>
      <button slot=target class:active={isOpen}>Target</button>
      <div slot=content>


Prop Type Description Default Required
let:open Boolean Returns the value of the visibility of a popover ...
arrow Boolean If false , the arrow is removed true
placement String The placement of the popover. top-start , top-center , top-end , left-start , left-center , left-end , right-start , right-center , right-end , bottom-start , bottom-center , bottom-end auto
action String click | hover . Supports touch event click
on:open Function on:open is dispatched/called when the content is mounted ...
on:close Function on:close is dispatched/called after the content is unmounted from the dom ...
open Boolean Whether the popover is visible. Passing this prop puts the popover in controlled mode.To make the popover completely manageable, you must pass the null value to the action prop false
zIndex Number Initial number for zIndex 1000
overlayColor String Set the background color of an overlay element rgba(0,0,0,0.5)
preventDefault Boolean Cancels the event if it is cancelable, meaning that the default action that belongs to the event will not occur. more false
stopPropagation Boolean Stops the bubbling of an event to parent elements, preventing any parent event handlers from being executed. more false